
Take control from anywhere

Remote IoT Monitoring

Your customers count on you to keep their IoT devices connected and secure. Stay ahead and troubleshoot issues before it shows up on billing.

Remote IoT Monitoring at a glance

Benefit from these key highlight features


Reliable and Secure Connections

Security is a crucial component of any IoT business. While remote access to your devices is necessary, it should not come at the expense of connectivity. When you need remote access to a device, emnify provides private static IP addresses free of charge. Each IoT SIM card will obtain a separate private IP address without the need to set up or pay for a private APN.


Track Network Activity

With the SuperNetwork you gain a single pane of glass view that’s network-agnostic. This unparalleled insight enables you to identify nuanced data usage patterns across thousands of devices, ensuring optimal connectivity. The SuperNetwork goes beyond general monitoring, offering granular device and network data insights. This sharpens your ability to detect abnormal data usage swiftly and to optimize your connectivity services with pinpoint accuracy.


Manage your Devices Remotely

Effective IoT management is not just about monitoring; it’s about identifying and resolving issues swiftly. The SuperNetwork allows direct device access to manage its connectivity. From manually disabling connections to setting connectivity limits, blocking providers, and troubleshooting your devices, you have full control.


Track Your Devices Globally

Troubleshooting connection problems requires you to pinpoint their geographic location. With emnify’s IoT connectivity dashboardyou can track each device at the network and cell level. This helps you identify and resolve any location-specific issues effectively.


Empower Your Teams with Remote Access

Deploying devices globally doesn’t mean you need to send a technician on-site for every problem. emnifys IoT communication platform facilitates remote connections to every device—so you can always be there for your customers, no matter where they are.


60 days, All Features, One Platform

Grab a free test kit, which includes a GPS SIM card, a prepaid data plan, and a 60-day free trial of the SuperNetwork platform.

Everything you need to scale

Your Business - Our Solution

Recognize Connectivity-related Issues

IoT remote monitoring helps you recognize connectivity-related issues quickly, so you can get devices operational, deactivate or disable them, or restrict their data consumption. The SuperNetwork ensures your support team is always informed and your customers are never stranded.

Connect Globally with the SuperNetwork

Your IoT devices should work seamlessly, wherever you deploy them. emnify’s global IoT SIM cards can connect to more than 540 networks in over 190 countries. Our cloud communication platform also gives you the tools to monitor and access your devices remotely.

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Technology that enables widespread device connectivity and communication.

Global M2M Connectivity for You

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