Compamedia acknowledges Berlin-based IoT communication platform provider emnify for its stand-out innovation-led success and growth
Top 100 selection process is based on methodological screening by scientific director Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team
The selection process
Top 100’s scientific director Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke – also founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business – examined emnify's innovative strength together with his team of researchers.
emnify was assessed based on 120 test criteria across five categories. Criteria included whether management promoted innovation, whether the work environment allowed for innovation, demonstration of innovative processes, and proven success of innovative solutions. The underlining decision was based on whether innovative solutions are the result of a planned approach or a product of chance, and whether solutions succeed on the current market. This year’s Top 100 assessment also called for a unique additional section: entrepreneurial reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
Enabling worldwide innovation

emnify's commitment to innovation stems from the very start of the business, which not only disrupted the telecommunications market but also delivered a solution that enables innovation in other businesses.
emnify provides a cloud communication platform for IoT, enabling digital-native companies with high growth IoT products to scale across networks worldwide with a single API. Customers can rely on secure, fast and reliable device communication, and quick and easy cloud-stack and application integration. Its solution enables entrepreneurs and developers around the world to develop and scale innovative business models quickly and flexibly.
Frank Stöcker, emnify Co-Founder and CEO, commented: “emnify’s founding and growth to date have been based on innovation-led, customer-centric decision-making: we innovate to ensure that our customers can continue to innovate. Today, we’re transforming complex cellular connectivity into an easy to consume cloud offering by bringing the proven superior philosophies of CPaaS and Cloud-Native SaaS to IoT. This makes us the vendor of choice for digital native companies. Being featured in the Top 100 validates our commitment to continuous transformative innovation in the name of progress.”
Compamedia has been awarding the prestigious Top 100 seal to medium-sized companies that demonstrate exceptional commitment to innovation since 1993. Recognized science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar has been mentoring the innovation competition for ten years.
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke, the scientific director of TOP 100, congratulates this year’s award-winning innovative companies: “The TOP 100 companies have consistently oriented themselves towards being as innovative as possible,” he commented.
On November 26th, all 2021 Top 100 award winners will come together in Stuttgart to celebrate their achievement and be congratulated by Ranga Yogeshwar, Top 100 mentor, at the 7th German SME Summit in Ludwigsburg.
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About emnify
emnify is the leading cloud building block for cellular communications in the IoT stack, connecting millions of IoT devices globally – from electric vehicles to energy meters, alarm systems to GPS trackers, thermometers to health wearables. The emnify API and SIM technology connect and secure any kind of IoT deployment to its application back-end. emnify’s cloud-native integrations and no-code workflows ensure seamless lifecycle scalability for deployments of all sizes – from local start-up to global enterprise. The award-winning emnify IoT SuperNetwork is the largest globally distributed mobile cloud core network of its kind, supporting local network access (2G – 5G, LTE-M, NB-IoT and soon satellite) in over 180 countries from more than 25 cloud regions – and counting. emnify’s solution is built on partnerships with the leading hyperscale cloud service providers, system integrators, and hundreds of radio network operators worldwide.
About Top 100
Seit 1993 vergibt compamedia das TOP 100-Siegel für besondere Innovationskraft und überdurchschnittliche Innovationserfolge an mittelständische Unternehmen. Die wissenschaftliche Leitung liegt seit 2002 in den Händen von Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke. Franke ist Gründer und Vorstand des Instituts für Entrepreneurship und Innovation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Mit 25 Forschungspreisen und über 200 Veröffentlichungen gehört er international zu den führenden Innovationsforschern. Mentor von TOP 100 ist der Wissenschaftsjournalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Projektpartner sind die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung und der Mittelstandsverband BVMW. Die Magazine manager magazin und impulse begleiten den Unternehmensvergleich als Medienpartner. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung unter www.top100.de. Mehr Informationen sowie allgemeines Bildmaterial zum TOP 100-Wettbewerb finden Sie im Internet unter www.top100.de/presse oder per E-Mail an presse@compamedia.de.

The content team of emnify is specialized in all things IoT. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any question.