Local internet breakouts are key to meeting the Enterprise need to comply with existing and future data processing regulations and agreements. As opposed to traditional operators that route all data back to their home network, emnify offers regional breakouts – meaning data does not need to leave the country or region where the individual device is located, even if devices are spread out across the world.
All new and existing emnify customers, using emnify IoT SIM and management portal, who selected automatic breakout will directly benefit from the new Canadian breakout. Alternatively, Enterprise customers can also select Canada as their preferred breakout region to route traffic to their Canadian-based infrastructure.
For an IoT solution provider with globally distributed devices and the ambition to deploy the application infrastructure in multiple cloud regions, a cellular regional breakout is the only option. It enables these businesses to not only comply with existing and future data regulations and customer demands, but also decrease the data path latency, improve application responsiveness as well as optimize battery lifetime due to less transmission time.
emnify's regional breakout relies on AWS infrastructure in the ca-central region and is deployed in two availability zones to ensure connection availability. By also offering VPN and Cloud Connect services in Canada, Enterprise customers can establish a secure private network from emnify’s management portal to securely transport the device data to their cloud or on-premise infrastructure.
With the addition of the Canada breakout, emnify now has the following Internet Breakout Regions available:
- eu-west-1 (Ireland)
- us-east-1 (Virginia)
- ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)
- ca-central-1 (Montreal)
If you want to learn more about regional breakout you can also watch the regional breakout explainer video or reach out to our IoT experts.
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Varun Patel
A seasoned professional with over 9 years of experience in telecommunications and IoT connectivity. Varun has a strong passion for technology and customer-centricity. He has driven innovation and created products that address real customer needs in the industry.